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Subscription to ‘Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care’ - 2020
‘Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care’ is an open access journal and freely available online. Limited number of print copies are available for the interested readers as well as for the institutional libraries.
The revised subscription will cover six issues published in one calendar year. All subscriptions include postage & handling charges. Copies are sent to foreign subscribers by registered airmail.
The revised rates for one-year subscription (six issues):
- Subscribers in Pakistan: Rs. 6000/-
- Institutions in Pakistan: Rs. 15,000/-
- Subscribers from SAARC countries: US$ 105/-
- Subscribers from elsewhere: US$ 150/-
- Single article for business use: US$ 65/-
Mode of Payment:
- The amount may be submitted either by online bank transfer, or by a bank draft, or a crossed bank cheque in favor of ‘Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care’.
- Bank drafts or crossed bank cheques may please be sent with full particulars of the subscriber to; APICAREHQ, 25-E, Ibn-e-Sina Road, G-10/3, Islamabad-44000 (Pakistan).
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- Your subscription will start from the next possible issue of the journal. Please contact Editorial Office at or via WhatsApp at +92 321 524909, for more details or any queries.