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Circulation: 1500
Frequency: Four monthly, in the months of April, August and December every year
Editorial Focus: : All articles are originally submitted and peer-reviewed. Editorial content includes original scientific articles, review articles, and case reports edited for practicing physician, clinical research workers, and other allied medical personnel in the specialties of anesthesiology, pain management, intensive care as well as resuscitation, i.e. nurse anesthetists, anesthesia assistants, and pharmacists. Special editorial features: Cliniquiz (CME), Clinipics (pictures of clinical relevance), Trends & Technology and book reviews.
Organizational Affiliation: Official Journal of the Pakistan Resuscitation Society (PARES), Society for Treatment & Study of Pain (STSP).
Bonus Distribution/Special Opportunities: Additional quantities of Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care are distributed at the national and international meetings of Pakistan Resuscitation Society (PARES), Pakistan Society of Anesthesiologists (PSA), Society for Treatment & Study of Pain (STSP).
Apicare Online: Online version of the journal is available at Special rates are offered to sponsors and advertisers to place their ads on the pages of the website. Please contact editorial office for more information at (92) 3215149709 or e-mail us.
Publisher: Apicare Publications
Editor-in-Chief: Tariq Hayat Khan
Placement Policy: Ads placed in wells
Market: Medical Anesthesia. Anesthesiologists, pain specialists, intensivists and physicians with secondary interests who devote all or much of their time to practices that involve these specialties; individuals with doctorate degrees specializing in anesthesia practice or research; allied medical field professionals; and institutional libraries.
Distribution: Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care is distributed to the target readers in SAARC countries, including India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Bhutan; Middle East including Iran, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen, Kuwait, Syria, Egypt and Turkey. Copies are mailed to selected recipients in USA, UK and Indonesia.
Bonus Distribution: Subject to change. Please contact editorial office for more information at (92) 3215149709.