CASE REPORT – Dental braces bracing a throat pack to cause difficulty in its removal

  • Mansoor Aqil
Keywords: Throat pack; anesthesia complication; dental braces


We present an unusual case of dental braces entangled into a throat pack, thus making it impossible to remove it from the mouth cavity of a patient. The patient, who was emerging from anesthesia, had to be reanesthetised, to enable removal of the pack.

Citation: Aqil M. Dental braces bracing a throat pack to cause difficulty in its removal. Anaesth Pain & Intensive Care 2011;15(1):51-53.

How to Cite
Aqil, M. (2019). CASE REPORT – Dental braces bracing a throat pack to cause difficulty in its removal. Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care. Retrieved from
Case Reports