CASE REPORT – Tension pneumothorax caused by ventilating rigid bronchoscopy for removal of foreign body

  • Safdar Hussain
  • Riaz Ahmed Khan
  • Muhammad Iqbal
Keywords: Ventilating bronchoscopy; Tension pneumothorax


Tension pneumothorax during ventilating bronchoscopy for foreign body removal is a rare but life threatening complication, which if not promptly diagnosed and treated can prove fatal. We present a case of tension pneumothorax, due to a laceration in the right main bronchus caused by bronchoscope, in a one year old child, who underwent bronchoscopy for removal of foreign body (bead). The child was successfully treated and managed by immediate insertion of 14 gauge IV cannula in the pleural cavity followed by chest tube insertion. The laceration was subsequently repaired and foreign body removed by thoracotomy.

Citation: Hussain S, Khan RA, Iqbal M. Tension pneumothorax caused by ventilating rigid bronchoscopy for removal of foreign body. Anaesth Pain & Intensive Care 2011;15(1):57-59.

How to Cite
Hussain, S., Khan, R. A., & Iqbal, M. (2019). CASE REPORT – Tension pneumothorax caused by ventilating rigid bronchoscopy for removal of foreign body. Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care. Retrieved from
Case Reports