Anesthesia Clinical Services Accreditation by Royal College of Anaesthetists UK: An example to follow

  • Zahid Sheikh Consultant Anesthesiologist, Royal Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Derby (UK)
Keywords: Accreditation, Anesthesia, Medical Errors/prevention & control, Safety Management/standards, Quality Improvement


There has been an increasing awareness about the need of a system of quality assurance in the healthcare services throughout the world. Many of the advanced countries have developed meticulous guidelines and checklists to assure quality and safety, and prevent medical errors at every step of the healthcare and minimise the iatrogenic mortality and morbidity, and have introduced accreditation systems to offer incentives to the best of the institutions. A system of awarding a certificate of ‘Anesthesia Clinical Services Accreditation’ (ACSA) has been evolved by Royal College of Anaesthetists UK (RCoA) to be awarded to the suitable healthcare institutions. This editorial offers an outline of this system to introduce the need of such a system in every country with the aim of enhancing quality of the care being provided by the healthcare institutions.

How to Cite
Sheikh, Z. (2019). Anesthesia Clinical Services Accreditation by Royal College of Anaesthetists UK: An example to follow. Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care, 297-300. Retrieved from
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