Airway management in a patient with a large mass in scapular region: A case report

  • Haidar Abbas Department of Anesthesiology, King George’s Medical University, Chowk, Lucknow U.P. (India).
  • Zia Arshad Department of Anesthesiology, King George’s Medical University, Chowk, Lucknow U.P. (India).
  • Sulekha Saxena Department of Anesthesiology, King George’s Medical University, Chowk, Lucknow U.P. (India).
  • Jai Shree Bogra Department of Anesthesiology, King George’s Medical University, Chowk, Lucknow U.P. (India).
Keywords: Airway management, Laryngoscopy, Difficult airway, Fibreoptic intubation, LMA


Airway management is one of the most important routine tasks performed by an anesthesiologist. Adept airway
management is an essential skill for an anesthesiologist. Although practice guidelines and algorithms may help in
such situations, but vigilance and a timely decision remain all important in such a situation. We encountered a
patient with a rapidly enlarging subscapular mass due to which maintenance of supine position on the operating
table for laryngoscopy and intubation was almost impossible. We had little options for airway management
during general anesthesia in this patient. We present our method of successful management in this case and
reiterate the role of different methods of correct positioning and intubation in such circumstances

How to Cite
Abbas, H., Arshad, Z., Saxena, S., & Bogra, J. S. (2019). Airway management in a patient with a large mass in scapular region: A case report. Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care, 97-99. Retrieved from
Case Reports