Accidental asphyxiation by an Arabic headscarf

  • Said D. Abuhasna Department of Critical Care Medicine
  • Mustafa Abu Ebaid Department of Internal Medicine
  • Eman D.M. Qadoom Department of Pharmacy Tawam Hospital, P.O.Box 15258 Al Ain (United Arab Emirates)
  • Masood Ur Rahman Department of Critical Care Medicine
Keywords: Headscarf, Ghutra, Strangulation, Anoxic brain encephalopathy


Self-strangulation is an important cause of homicidal and suicidal injury, leading to death due to asphyxia
and may be accidental or suicidal. Accidental strangulation is rare, and to be strangulated by a scarf is even
less common. We report a 19-year-old male who was accidentally strangulated by his own scarf or ‘ghutra’ (a
traditional cotton headdress worn by Arab males), while working on his idle vehicle engine, resulting in anoxic
brain encephalopathy. The patient remained in a persistent vegetative state and ventilator dependent.
Because this was previously an unrecognized hazard of ‘ghutra’ as well as the unique mode of injury, it prompted
us to report this case to highlight the circumstances surrounding the event in order to minimize similar.

How to Cite
Abuhasna, S. D., Ebaid, M. A., Qadoom, E. D., & Rahman, M. U. (2019). Accidental asphyxiation by an Arabic headscarf. Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care, 91-93. Retrieved from
Case Reports