An internet based expert system to control workers compensation costs documented by outcome studies

  • Nelson Hendler Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Past president, American Academy of Pain Management
Keywords: Fraud, Chronic pain; Misdiagnosis, Workers’ compensation, Cost savings, Return to work, Outcome studies, Expert system


This article reviews the current approaches to evaluating chronic pain patients involved in litigation, which
have proven to be neither cost effective, nor accurate. It addresses the need to utilize physiological testing, such
as root blocks, facet blocks, and peripheral nerve blocks, rather than the standard anatomical tests, which lead
to a misdiagnosis rate of 40%-67%. The author offers alternative methods to evaluate these patients, using an
Internet based expert system, with documented cost savings, based on published outcome studies from a leading
medical school

How to Cite
Hendler, N. (2019). An internet based expert system to control workers compensation costs documented by outcome studies. Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care, 166-170. Retrieved from
Review Article