An audit of cesarean sections in Military Hospital Rawalpindi

  • Rabia Sajjad Consultant obstetrician & gynecologist
  • Ch. Amjad Ali Consultant anesthesiologist
  • Muhammad Zia-ul- Haq Consultant pediatrician
  • Amjad Iqbal Consultant anesthesiologist & HoD Combined Military Hospital, Rawalpindi (Pakistan)
Keywords: Cesarean section, PPH, Pfannenstiel incision, Audit, Primigravida.


bjective: To analyze the rate, the frequency of different indications and the most common indication of cesarean sections in Military Hospital Rawalpindi.

Study Design: Cross sectional study

Place and Duration: Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Military Hospital Rawalpindi from September 2011 toFebruary 2012.

Methodology: A total of 3555 pregnant females delivered during study period were enrolled in the study. Health volunteers and the cases of uterine rupture, pregnancy with fetal anomaly, or termination of pregnancy were excluded from the study. All patients were admitted in labor room. Detailed obstetric and gynecological history was taken. Detailed general physical examination and obstetric examination was done. Baseline investigations were checked. Fetal anomalies were ruled out by anomaly scan. Strict fetomaternal monitoring was done during labor. Cervical foley catheter and prostaglandin E2 (Prostin®) tablets were used for induction according to Bishop score. Clinical record of all patients, including mode of delivery and indication, was analyzed in terms of percentage and frequency and documented in a special performa after written informed consent. Filled performas were attached with patient’s case notes.

How to Cite
Sajjad, R., Ali, C. A., Haq, M. Z.- ul-, & Iqbal, A. (2019). An audit of cesarean sections in Military Hospital Rawalpindi. Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care, 172-175. Retrieved from
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