Transversus abdominis plane block: a review of the technique and its efficacy

  • Yasuhiro Morimoto Department of Anesthesia, Ube Industries Central Hospital, Ube Yamaguchi (Japan)
Keywords: TAP block, Paravertebral space, Quadratus lumborum block, Ultrasound Guided Blocks, Abdominal Surgeries


Transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block is now a commonly used regional anesthesia technique. It can
provide unilateral analgesia to the skin and muscles of lower abdominal wall. Original TAP block was
introduced as regional abdominal field infiltration technique using landmarks. Use of ultrasound for
TAP blocks enabled to perform safe and reliable block procedure. The indication for this block has been
extended especially for lower abdominal surgeries. There are two concepts for TAP blocks. By subcostal
to lateral TAP blocks, spread of local anesthetic is on the transvers abdominis plane. By, posterior TAP
blocks including quadratus lumborum block, the target of local anesthetic is paravertebral space. The
efficiency of these two techniques should be evaluated by prospective studies.

How to Cite
Morimoto, Y. (2019). Transversus abdominis plane block: a review of the technique and its efficacy. Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care, 357-360. Retrieved from
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