Teaching job is essential to convert a medical practitioner into a nice clinician

  • Leena Ayub
  • Shahid Rasool Dar
  • Umer Farooq
Keywords: Clinician, Hikmat, Teaching, Medical, Practice, Medical, Practitioners, Medical


Traditionally, every practicing hakim used to have a group of students, most of whom lived in the compound of the hakim, witnessed and learnt the intricacies of ‘hikmat’, as well as preparation of different pharmaceutical products from raw materials. Once, they acquired a certain level of proficiency, they were allowed to leave and start their own practice. Same routine used to be followed by other branches of medicine. As the number of medical practitioners grew, their links to the teaching side got weaker or mostly ceased to exist, and with it the opportunities to learn. A debate has been generated whether the diagnostic proficiency and the clinical acumen of a non-teaching clinician can be considered equivalent to the one who is a teaching clinician actively engaged in teaching and grooming full classes of his or her students.

Keywords: Clinician; Hikmat; Teaching, Medical; Practice, Medical; Practitioners, Medical

Citation: Ayub L, Dar SR, Farooq U. Teaching job is essential to convert a medical practitioner into a nice clinician. Anaesth. pain intensive care 2024;28(5):785−787; DOI: 10.35975/apic.v28i5.2541

Received: August 30, 2024; Accepted: September 10, 2024

How to Cite
Ayub, L., Dar, S., & Farooq, U. (2024). Teaching job is essential to convert a medical practitioner into a nice clinician. Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care, 28(5), 785-787. https://doi.org/10.35975/apic.v28i5.2541
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