The correlation of risk factors with mortality of geriatric patients in non-operating room anesthesia services

  • Aswoco Andyk Asmoro
  • Isngadi Isngadi
  • Aulia Martyana Achsar
  • Buyung Hartiyo Laksono
Keywords: Cognitive function, Geriatrics, Mortality, Non-operating room anesthesia, Quality of life


Background & objective: One of the most frequently performed anesthesia services is Non-Operating Room Anesthesia (NORA). In geriatric patients, there are several risk factors which are directly or indirectly related to post-NORA mortality. We aimed to find out the relationship between pre-NORA risk factors and the mortality of geriatric patients receiving NORA services.

Methods: This observational analytical study used the convenient sampling method in seventy patients undergoing NORA. Data collected included pre-NORA risk factors; e.g., age, gender, Body Mass Index (BMI), quality of life, and cognitive function. Mortality within 30 days post-NORA was noted. The data was analyzed using an independent t-test and Spearman correlation with α= 5% and a confidence interval (CI) of 95%.

Results: We included 70 patients as the subject of the study, with a mortality rate of 8.6%. There was a significant difference between BMI (P = 0.034), quality of life (P = 0.001), and cognitive function (P = 0.004) in patients who died with those who remained alive. There were correlations between cognitive function (P = 0.001, R= 0.379) and quality of life (P = 0.009, R= 0.309) with 30 days post-NORA mortality.

Conclusion: There is a positive correlation between the risk factors of cognitive function and quality of life pre-NORA of geriatric patients with 30-day mortality post-NORA. Careful selection and maximum optimization of the geriatric patients selected for non-operating room anesthesia may reduce post-operative mortality.

Abbreviations: MMSE - Mini-Mental State Examination; NORA - Non-Operating Room Anesthesia; ROC - Receiver Operating Characteristic curve; WHOQOL -World Health Organization Quality of Life criteria;

Keywords: Cognitive function, Geriatrics, Mortality, Non-operating room anesthesia, Quality of life,

Citation: Asmoro AA, Isngadi, Achsar AM, Laksono BH. The correlation of risk factors with mortality of geriatric patients in non-operating room anesthesia services. Anaesth. pain intensive care 2024;28(3):459−464; DOI: 10.35975/apic.v28i3.2345

Received: November 28, 2023; Revised: March 29, 2024; Accepted: May 3, 2024

How to Cite
Asmoro, A., Isngadi, I., Achsar, A., & Laksono, B. (2024). The correlation of risk factors with mortality of geriatric patients in non-operating room anesthesia services. Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care, 28(3), 459-464.