The importance of clinical research

  • Logan Danielson St. John’s Hospital and Medical Center, Detroit, Michigan (USA) St. George’s School of Medicine, Grenada, West Indies
Keywords: Clinical Research, Research Barriers, Evidence-based Medicine



‘Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care’ has shown interest in publishing a series of
manuscripts highlighting different aspects of undertaking research and then getting the results published for wider dissemination of the useful knowledge and information derived out of it. This editorial seeks to elaborate on some of the problems we face in the clinical research community in such a way as to help aspiring clinical researchers know where to direct their effort. Subsequent editorials in this series will describe the process of planning a research project as well as how to write about one’s findings. In this vein, the true importance of clinical research will be elucidated.


How to Cite
Danielson, L. (2019). The importance of clinical research. Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care, 289-291. Retrieved from
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