Comparative area of desensitiztion by three different volumes of local anesthetic solution for paravertebral block

  • Valery Yaskevich Healthcare Institution “Bobruisk Interdistrict Oncologic Dispensary”, 213825, Bobruisk, Republic of Belarus
  • Alexey Marochkov Healthcare Institution “Mogilev Regional Hospital”, 212026, Mogilev, Republic of Belarus
Keywords: Modified radical mastectomy, Ultrasound-guided, Nerve block, Paravertebral block


Aim and objectives: Ropivacaine is the drug of choice when we need more sensory block and less motor block. It also has a good safety margin. The anesthesiologists have been using rough formulas to determine the volume of the drug for the desired spread.

We conducted this study to determine the area distribution of paravertebral block (PVB) using three different volumes of ropivacaine.

How to Cite
Yaskevich, V., & Marochkov, A. (2020). Comparative area of desensitiztion by three different volumes of local anesthetic solution for paravertebral block. Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care, 24(2), 189-195.