ERAS in neurosurgery: a fad or the future?

  • Muhammad Shahzad Shamim Associate Professor and Consultant Neurosurgeon Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi
Keywords: Neurosurgery, Brain tumors, Spine surgery


Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) is being increasingly recognized as a potential protocol to improve patient outcomes. Several specialties have investigated the utility of this protocol and have implemented it in its various forms. However, the role of ERAS in neurosurgery remains elusive. Herein, the author presents the argument for and against the implementation of ERAS protocol in neurosurgical patients.
Citation: Shamim MS. ERAS in neurosurgery: a fad or the future? Anaesth Pain & Intensive Care 2018;22(4):415-416
Received – 2 December 2018; Reviewed – 5 Dec 2018; Accepted – 8 Dec 2018

How to Cite
Shamim, M. S. (2019). ERAS in neurosurgery: a fad or the future?. Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care, 22(4). Retrieved from
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