Publication Fee and Waiver Policy

‘Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care’ is an open access publication, and is freely available online. The cost of publishing as open access online edition has been increased many folds due to inflation all over.  The journal committee acknowledges the difficulties faced by the authors, but to ensure the continuous appearance of the journal, has decided to charge a minimal fee from the authors. The revised rates of manuscript processing / publishing fee with immediate effect are as follows; 

  • Research Papers/Review Papers 
  1. Inland authors: Rs. 55000.00
  2. Overseas authors:
    1. Low to Lower Middle Income countries: $205.00
    2. Upper Middle to High Income countries: $280.00
  • Short Communications / Case Series     
  1. Inland authors: Rs. 45,000.00
  2. Overseas authors:
    1. Low to Lower Middle Income countries: $105.00
    2. Upper Middle to High Income countries: $180.00
  • Case Reports:    
  1. Inland authors: Rs. 35000.00
  2. Overseas authors:
    1. Low to Lower Middle Income Countries: $115.00
    2. Upper Middle to High Income Countries: $145.00

Please Note:

  • There is no submission fee.
  • The fee shall be paid after the paper has been accepted for publication and the authors are issued a notice to pay the fee. Non-payment will result in rejection / withholding of the paper from being published.
  • Once paid, the manuscript fee is non-refundable.
  • ‘Letters to editor’, entries to “My Most Memorable Patient”, “My Most Unforgettable Experience”, “My Corona Story”, “Cliniquiz”, and “Clinipics” will be published free of charge.
  • Please visit to know your countries income group.
  • Express processing requests might be entertained on payment of 50% additional charges. Final decision will be conveyed within 2-4 weeks.
  • Every member of Editorial Team of ‘Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care’ is authorized to waive off 25% of the standard fee on sole discretion. Editor-in-Chief may waive off upto 50% of the fee in very special cases.
  • Reviewer incentive: Scholars, who reviewed a paper for the journal during the previous six months, and are included in the first three authors of a paper sent to ‘Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care’ for publication can claim a 20% waiver off the standard fee.
  • The article publishing fee covers:
    • English language copyediting & proofreading - correction of grammatical, spelling & other common errors
    • Indexing and listing across major repositories
    • Visibility on the strongest OA platform
    • Permanent and unrestricted online access to your work & long-term archiving
    • XML Typesetting and pagination - web (PDF, HTML) and preparation of print files
    • Paid online manuscript tracking system to facilitate your work (Author Panel)
    • Printing hard copies and mailing/handling
  • In case you face any problem or difficulties, please contact us for further guidance. Send us the copy of the receipt as a proof of transfer of the money.

Payment Option One:
You may transfer an equivalent amount in Pakistani Rupees in the following account;
Beneficiary: Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care
AC/NO. 5530-5000132717
Swift code: ALFHPKKA530
IBAN: PK69ALFH5530005000132717
Bank Alfalah Ltd. IBG-G-10 Markaz Branch, Islamabad (Pakistan)

Option Two:
Alternatively, you may transfer the funds in the following bank account;
A/No. 5530-5000686011
IBAN: PK04ALFH5530005000686011
Swift code: ALFHPKKA530
Bank Alfalah Ltd, G-10 Markaz Branch, Islamabad (Pakistan)

Option Three:
You may pay in the following account;
Bank: Barclays UK
Beneficiary: Noor Fatima,
Sort Code: 20-55-59
Account No.: 20352381
IBAN: GB54 BUKB 2055 5920 3523 81

Payment Option Four:
Alternatively, you may transfer the funds using Wise, MoneyGram, Monito or any other money transfer firms operative in Pakistan.  You will need to send a copy of your institutional identity card or national identity card of the sender.
For this option, use the following;
Designation: Editor-in-Chief
Address: 25-E, Ibn-e-Sina Road, G-10/3, Islamabad, Pakistan.