Book Review

Head, Neck and Dental Emergencies – Second Edition

Dr. Michael (Mike) Perry, Oxford University Press, Great Clarendon Street, Oxford, OX2 6DP, United Kingdom., Second Edition.2018.462pp.Paperback. ISBN 9780198779094.US$46.95

Head, Neck and Dental Emergencies is a welcome addition to the popular pocket reference Oxford paperback series. The Second Edition is a revised and upgraded version of the original which was published in 2005.


As is evident from the title, the genre revolves explicitly around trauma and other critical conditions involving the major organs residing above the collar bone. The book imparts an in-depth view into the medical and dental aspects of emergencies encountered primarily in the Oral and Maxillofacial setting. The editor, Dr. Mike Perry, is a consultant Maxillofacial Surgeon and Trauma team leader at the University Hospital of North Staffordshire, United Kingdom, who, along with a handful of noteworthy contributors, aptly bestow extensive expertise throughout the course of the book.

Perhaps introduced at a most opportune time, Head, Neck and Dental Emergencies provides comprehensive yet compact clinically relevant information for undergraduates and experts alike. It’s convenient to carry size, reader-friendly format and abridged form renders it an easy and likeable treat to be perused on the go. It answers the question of important preliminaries to be borne in mind for establishing accurate and timely diagnosis in order to provide prompt emergency care.

An undeniably compelling read, the book acknowledges the obstacles faced in daily routine with events written in chronological and methodical fashion. It is well – articulated, accurate, precise and includes diagrammatic representation. For the visual learners among us, ample illustrations have been thoughtfully tossed in as well. The management of diseases, injuries and complaints of the maxillofacial region is distinctly outlined in accordance with the latest guidelines. Emphasis is laid on principles of care, together with handy tips gained from first-hand experiences.

It aims to equip the practitioner with an insightful manner of building a reliable diagnosis based on logical evaluation and a system of triage, thereby efficiently managing patients presenting to the casualty department. Bearing this in mind, the initial contents govern general evaluation and common injuries to assist in developing a whole body perspective. The bulk of the text focuses on various emergencies categorized under headings according to their anatomical site, with the concluding sections devoted to the oral cavity and its immediate vicinity.

To help prioritize and distinguish between degrees of urgency, major symbolic icons have been introduced with explanatory keys exhibited at the beginning. Fundamental factors have been pointed out to ensure a wary eye is on the lookout for anything out of the norm. While attention to detail is important, it is crucial to identify which aspect warrants it most since time is a valuable commodity especially when it comes to emergencies.

On average, each topic covers a few pages and is supplemented with photographic as well as radiographic documentation where deemed necessary. The only minor setback in this regard is the use of monochrome images which would otherwise have made the intended impact more profound.

In an endeavor to run a smooth course, and rightfully so, the book flows sequentially through each chapter, avoids frequent repetition and is easy to revise so as to appeal to learners on multiple levels who hope to benefit from it. Numerous physiological, pathological and pharmacological implications have been added as well.

With its unpretentious style, it promises to keep the reader riveted and manages to probe further curiosity. Despite being relatively concise and straight to the point, it describes and analyzes a wide array of medical and dental conditions in surprising detail.

The structure is impeccably polished, albeit small printing errors exist. Nevertheless, the book provides a valuable and engrossing glimpse into the world of Oral and Maxillofacial trauma that would otherwise be accessible only to the most voracious reader. As emergency books go, Head, Neck and Dental Emergencies is rare of its kind, and is highly recommended as an aid for both novices and specialists alike in routine practice.

Dr. Uzair Luqman

BDS, FCPS (Pak), FFDRCS (Ireland), FAOCMF (Germany)
Consultant Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon

KRL General Hospital, Aewan-e-Sanat-o-Tijarat, G-9/1, Islamabad
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