


Figure 1: Blue sclera in osteogenesis imperfecta (OI), a rare, genetically inherited syndrome involving connective tissue, resulting in anatomic and physiologic abnormalities. 1

Figure 2: Double row of upper incisors may cause difficult intubation2
Love-sign’ hernia; bilateral inguinal

Figure 3: ‘Love-sign’ hernia; bilateral inguinal hernia, associated in this child with diaphragmatic hernia. One congenital anomaly; you must search for other associated anomalies
 Endotest by Portex; for checking endotracheal tube cuff pressure
Figure 4: Endotest by Portex; for checking endotracheal tube cuff pressure. Permissible upper limit is around 30 cmH2O, which is capillary pressure in tracheal mucosa. Excessive pressure may be a source of postextubation cough, but it is definitely linked to subglottic stenosis due to ischemic changes.
  1. Gupta D, Purohit A. Spinal anesthesia in osteogenesis imperfecta. Anaesth Pain & Intensive Care 2016;20(1):86-88.
  2. Bansal T, Jaiswal R, Bala M. Double upper incisor teeth as a rare cause of difficult intubation. Anaesth Pain & Intensive Care 2016;20(1):112-3.