Dr. Mohammad Faheem-alias ‘General’ (1961-2022)


Dr. Mohammad Faheem, alias ‘General’, served as Consultant Anesthesiologist at the Midland Regional Hospital Mullingar, Ireland. He was diagnosed with glioblastoma in 2019, due to which he met his Creator on February 2, 2022.

Dr. Mohammad Faheem graduated from Rawalpindi Medical College, Rawalpindi, Pakistan, in 1986. After working in the UK for a few years, he joined training in anesthesiology in Ireland in 1991. Following his fellowship in anesthesiology, he became one of the first few foreign doctors to be appointed as a substantive consultant in an Irish hospital. He was very active in administrative management at his hospital and was successful in making forward-thinking developments. He enjoyed several positions in the College of Anesthesiologists as a tutor, instructor, trainer, and examiner. He set up a teaching program for trainee anesthesiologists in his county hospital in this capacity. Mohammad Faheem held a European fellowship in anesthesiology and ICU as well. He visited 14 European capitals at the European Society of Anesthesiologists' meetings for 14 consecutive years. There was no chance of skipping any critical lecture or workshop of his interest.

He reached out to the sufferings of the people of Gaza, where he delivered anesthetic equipment and demonstrated modern anesthetic techniques. As a Pakistani, he did his best to pay back to his homeland by offering his expertise to the young, budding anesthesiologists of Pakistan. He was an affable person with excellent interpersonal skills, which he used to slot into a well-knit community of Pakistani doctors. He was known as ‘General’ for his self-discipline, strong character, and versatile leadership qualities. The ‘General’ assumed the leadership of the Muslim community in his county and formed a charity that raised over a million euros to build the first mosque in Mullingar. He is survived by his wife – Dr. Nazia, and kids – Ammar, Moaz, and Nawal. He was a devout Muslim and a loyal, patriotic Pakistani, let alone an excellent professional. He has left the whole Muslim community in Ireland, along with his professional colleagues, grieving after him. Mohammad Faheem will be fondly loved and remembered by us all. May Allah the Almighty shower His mercy on his soul. مہ


Dr. Saud Bajwa