Professor Jawaid-ur-Rehman


Professor Jawaid-ur-Rehman
(31/03/1957 – 29/11/2020)

Born on March, 31st 1957 in Attock to Capt. Abdur Rehman Shaheed and Mubarka Jamila Akthar. His father was martyred in the line of duty when he was three years old. As a young man, he joined Cadet College Petaro as a student at the age of twelve, where he learned to be a valuable member of his community and an asset for his country. His love for, and commitment to, help and serve his fellow man drove him to choose medicine as his profession. To pursue his dreams of a career in medicine, he joined Army Medical College (AMC) in 1978. He was part of the second intake batch of this prestigious institution. After two years in AMC, he transferred to Punjab Medical College (PMC), Faisalabad, where he completed his MBBS. He built on his skills by completing his house job training at Rawalpindi General Hospital.
He joined Fauji Foundation Hospital on 4th August 1990 as a medical officer in Jhelum. He pursued his post-graduate studies in 2001 and subsequently has served as an anesthetist at various locations all over Pakistan. He performed his duties to the best of his abilities and with utmost dedication and responsibility. He was a man of great conviction and had complete faith in Allah. He would always stand up for what he believed was right and refused to compromise on his morals, no matter the cost. He will always be remembered as extremely compassionate, ever smiling & humane professional & college.
May ALLAH bless him with highest ranks in Jannah and give strength with his lovely & caring memories. And in the end he was a true martyred who fought bravely for humanity during the pandemic and like his father he embraced Shahadat and became immortal.

Maj Gen (R) Liaquat Ali, HI(M)
